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1.03 Experimental released! Containing some qol changes, code reworks under the hood, and plans for the future

Receptionist Evil
A browser game made in HTML5

A bunch of things have been changed!

* Added a gun, torch to protagonist character

* Made zombies have a health bar

* Refactored and reworked a TON of the code in the background to prep for future updates

* The player takes health damage now. Morale will be used with other mechanics

* Mousing over an explodable object now shows its range.

We're labelling this as experimental (but making it be the main playable game right now) for two reasons. One is just that much of the underlying code has changed and there are almost certainly bugs and glitches - if you see any let us know! The other thing is this is the first (small) step away from just fixing up the version we made for the GMTK game jam. Future versions will be increasingly further away from this, so this might be the last (relatively) "pure" version of our game released.

Hopefully more to come! We have many plans to try and get this game closer to our initial concept, including having the protagonist character thinking and fighting a bit, and more kinds of player interaction.


  • RE 29 MB
    Aug 15, 2023
Download Receptionist Evil
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