Posted November 25, 2018 by QubitArt
#devlog #development log #indie #indiegame #qubitart #project alpha #2d #2d grid #stategy #action #rpg #roguelike #indie game deb #gamedev #indie company #indie italy
Aaaaaaaand welcome back. It's been 4 days and development has continued (not as fast as i would like, but time ...) and we have now some new things in our game. As always you will find a video at end of the page.
The major thing that happened since last time is that now the enemies have a brain, or if you are a fancy one, they have an AI now. They now take turns like the player, they attack, defend and move. And that last one was the hardest. The problem was basically to perform a pathfind in the tile-board searching for the player, then moving towards him, while avoiding obstacles (yes, we have obstacles now). After some tinkering we implemented a basic BreadthFirstSearch starting from the enemy current position and with the player position as
target, since our game plays in a grid we could easily solve our problem like that.
In the future we would also like to implement more AI behaviour to differentiate between the enemies.
Excpect in the next days a blog entirely on the BreadthFirstSearch algorithm that we implemented.
We also implemented obstacles, that are basically tiles that are not walkalbe, neither the player nor the enemies can walk on them. As always we encapsulated them inside an interface so we are free in the future to add different behaviours to those obstalces, for instance we could have an obstacles on which only special entities could walk on, always leave room for improvements.
We implemented a quick, but effective, dice rolling display, so the player can watch the dices as they fall and fate makes her choiche ...
To wrap things up we can say that development is continuing and we are going on a interesting route, but we are kinda starting to feel the weight of not having an art style defined and some sprite to be able to work on. So we will soon be in search of a graphic artist. And finally here's the video:
cya next time