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Release 3.5 for Repeat the Ending, reader mode, and more.

Repeat the Ending (previous version)
A browser a New Critical Edition made in HTML5

I've been unhappy about the appearance of Repeat the Ending on itch, well, since day one. Not because of anything itch-releated. There are things I'm not good at, and things that Inform 7 isn't good at. Put them together, and the result has been an underwhelming play experience for people.

I've fixed some bugs since the last update, and I've made certain text effects conditional based on screen-reader preferences. I've also added to the text of the game with a "project reflection" (not to be confused with my actual post-mortem). I think the most important aspect of this new update is that it is customized to look and read better as an embed here. I've hacked away--very perilously, I'm sure--at the HTML and CSS that Inform bundles with these games. I think it's playable on a phone, so I clicked that checkbox.

Finally, I separated out all the extra docs so that they can be viewed individually without the big zip file. I hope this makes it easier for players to experience RTE! But wait, there's more....

Curious about RTE but prefer reading over parser gameplay? No sweat!

  1. Start by reading the "Repeat the Ending: full game transcript" linked below.
  2. If you want, check out "In-game images (zipped)"
  3. You don't need to know parser commands to read the in-game guide. After launching the game, type "FG" at the command prompt. You can navigate the menus by pressing number keys (and the "Q" key for back).
  4. The Repeat the Ending 2003 play transcript and "fashion guide" (pdf) is quite different from the 2023 version of the game.
  5. Finally, three project members talk about their experiences in Searcy, Smythe, and Cook: Project Reflection (pdf).

I've already posted it here, but you can read my actual project reflection here. Additionally, here's a recorded conversation between Callie Smith and me about the art of RTE.

Download Repeat the Ending (previous version)
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