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Unjamming My Game (Version 1.1.0)

A browser game made in HTML5

It’s been a good month or so since the GMTK Game Jam 2023 where Afrogalypse originated, and in version 1.1.0 I’ve been making some big changes that will mostly go unseen by the player.

This was my first solo game jam, and despite making a pretty simple game I’m very proud to have finally put something finished on that I can call my own. This probably gave me a lot of motivation to keep releasing updates.

One feature I regretted not adding right after the game jam was an engine sound for the car. Now your car makes some extra noise depending on your speed. It’s not much, but it really adds some extra ‘life’ to the game. There is also a lighter hit sound for when you hit a frog while invincible.

The game can now be paused, and you can even change settings while paused too! There’s also an ‘end run’ button if you want to finish a run early, or if you’re just too good at the game.

Those were the three main features I really wanted to get implemented, but most of this time was spent ‘unjamming’ my code: Splitting up a big global object into more managable parts, commenting all my functions, adding class names where possible, reorganizing almost all of the code. This doesn’t really do anything for the player, but I think the code’s now in a state where I could add new features if I wanted.

Other than that it’s just a few graphical touchups and small GUI improvements not worth mentioning.

There are a few other things that I didn’t get around to (screen shake, display options, high contrast mode), but I decided to just freeze my features and get an update published. This might not be the final update, but for now I’m taking a break.

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