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Update 1.2 and Devlog 11/08/2023

Walking On My Grave
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Yeah, another update. Most of it is clown hours.

- More typos yeay

- And a fixing of code for the last Necromancer choice: one of the options took the reader to the end of the Undead path, instead of remaining in the Necromancer. Game-breaking if you decided to be Introverted at such choice. Shame on me for missing this before.

- Added a year+month visible at the lateral, because my brain made me notice that it would be better with so many time jumps starting next chapter.

Besides these, the news are: Chapter 2 detailed outline is FINISHED. I'll confess, I'm glad with how I managed to string together all the happenings in it, and with how clear to me all of it influence the latter chapters.

Explaining, the chapter will be divided in four "main events", things with certain repercussion in Bravien politics, where the Necromancer and the Undead play pivotal roles in some way, and thus end in the radar of the City Council. Beyond this, these events will allow an exploration of the present knowledge about souls and death and undeadness and political relations that are crucial for the proper setting of the story and next chapters.

And, OF COURSE, the first interactions between MC and the RO. I can't wait to write all the possible ones - to this moment, I have SIX variables responsible for tracking how the RO feels about MC, and six others to track how MC themselves feel about the RO.

Because OF COURSE I had to made it all more difficult for me, creating a difference between what your actions and words can make the other feel, and what exactly you can feel for them :D

It' a writers nightmare in the making. I love it. Besides, it will be worth it, with how it will influence the possible endings.

On an almost sidenote, I also managed to fine tune some more the history of Bravo and of the Known World. A lot more will be fine-tuned as needed and so on (since I have plans of more IFs and novels in the Known World), but I'm glad with what I have fine tuned for now.

Before I forget, I have started writing the first main event for the Necromancer Path; unlike the first chapter, where I wrote all of a path before going to the other, this time I will intercalate, writing an event in one path and then on the other before going for the next event. As of now, the Necromancer Path has 2k words, including code and such. There was a bunch of code to write at the beginning lol

On a personal note, my mom's physical therapy for her knee is going well, and I'm doing physical therapy for my shoulder lol And had a cold the start of the week, with a killer sore throat and a fever lol This last month really went like "Let's mess with your health, shall we?"

Thank you all for the support and the patience! Love you all and stay safe!

EDIT: I had forgot to mark the "published" here. Sorry


  • Walking On My Grave 1.2.rar 1 MB
    Aug 11, 2023
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