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Now Released - 'False Narrative: Survive Edition' (New content, more endings)

False Narrative: Survive Edition
A downloadable game for Windows

Just released a new 'Survive Edition' of the game! 

With new content and endings added. (Along with a complete rework, of the game's page.) 

Here are all the updates & content additions:  (for folks who played the initial release)

  1. More detailed and trippier graphics
  2. Graphics options in the menu, to lower the details. Or apply a retro filter.
  3. Removed the BGMs you hear while walking around. And added more ambient sounds in the environment. 
  4. Three optional e-mail interactions were added (while you go about interacting/listening to the passengers)
  5. Two optional conversations have been added. With real-life versions of Sigma & Succour. 
  6. Now another interaction happens, listening to the driver. (Right before you get the chance to interact with her.)
  7. A health bar during battle, and a game over screen/sequence.
  8. When you reach the banning-action sequence. You get another option whenever you start the game again. This option will allow you to skip most of the game, and start from the banning.
  9. Some passengers say dialogue / chants as you ban them
  10. An extra scene added to the first ending. Plus two more endings. (read below on how to reach each ending)
    1. Ending 1: Ban at-least 1 passenger, then exit the train.
    2. Ending 1.5: (This is an extension to the first ending) Ban almost all the passengers, then exit the train.
    3. Ending 2: Run through the mob, and exit the train without banning anyone.
    4. Ending 3 & 3.5: Ban every single passenger. Then go back to the driver's compartment to ban the driver as well. 

That's all! (I think) 

Thank you for your kindness and support on the initial version. Allowing me to update and upgrade this into a more fulfilling and meaningful game.


  • False Narrative - Survive 409 MB
    Aug 09, 2023
Download False Narrative: Survive Edition
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