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ShapeFill is out on PlayStore

A downloadable game

Hello jello fellow gamedevs and game enthusiasts! We're excited to share our journey of creating ShapeFill, a game that's finally out on the Android Play Store. The road to completing this project has been quite the rollercoaster ride, filled with ups and downs, but we're here to tell you all about it.

- Juggling School, Graduation, and Game Development

First things first, let's talk about the challenge of juggling multiple responsibilities. Both of us were students trying to balance the demands of school with our dream of creating a game. With deadlines for assignments, exams, and our impending graduation, finding time for game development was like solving a complex puzzle. There were nights when we had to choose between debugging code and preparing for a final exam. It wasn't easy, and there were times when we questioned if we were taking on too much.

- The Fails and Near-Give-Up Moments

Oh boy, there were moments when it felt like everything was falling apart. We encountered bugs that seemed impossible to fix, design choices that didn't pan out, and gameplay mechanics that just didn't click. There was this one week when we thought we had nailed a new feature, only to realize it didn't add anything significant to the game. It was disheartening, to say the least.

There were days when we contemplated throwing in the towel. We had doubts about our skills, the viability of the game, and whether we were cut out for game development at all. But we reminded ourselves why we started this journey in the first place – the excitement of bringing our creative vision to life and the joy it would bring to players. That determination and passion helped us push through the tough times.

- Persistence Pays Off

After countless hours of coding, testing, iterating, and learning from our failures, we finally began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The game mechanics started to gel, the bugs became less frequent, and the art and sound elements began to complement each other. It was during these moments that we realized the importance of perseverance. Each setback was a lesson, and each success was a milestone that fueled our motivation to keep going.

- A Fully Developed Game on the Play Store

And now, after five intense months of hard work and dedication, ShapeFill is ready for you to enjoy on the Android Play Store! This project, which started as a distant dream, has become a reality that we're immensely proud of.

What's Next for Us as GameDevs

As we stand here, holding our finished game in our hands (well, figuratively), we can't help but feel a rush of excitement for what the future holds. We've gained invaluable experience, honed our skills, and discovered our resilience. While we're taking a moment to celebrate this achievement, we're also eager to embark on new game development adventures. The journey doesn't end here – it's only the beginning.


To everyone who supported us, believed in us, and played our game, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We couldn't have done it without you.

Stay tuned for more updates from us, as we continue to explore the exciting world of game development. Who knows what we'll create next? Until then, happy gamedeving! :))

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