Posted July 30, 2023 by MbcbGame
Hey guys, how are you? I sincerely hope you are well!!!
In the last post I reported that I was having problems with HS2 to record the animations, but the problem was not him but my SSD, it died two days later, I do not know what the hell happened, but it died.
Don't worry, I saved everything from the update in three hundred different places, I learned that lesson a long time ago, so I haven't lost anything, well from the update I lost some other important personal files, but I can't do anything about that now.
I did buy a new SSD from Amazon a few days after my other one died, but it took a while to arrive, so unfortunately I was unable to do anything about the update for a long time.
I've now started working on the update again, and I'm making good progress.
I realised that I had left some things on patreon, like discord and wallpapers. The wallpapers I will make one public every month and others for the patrons. I'll be setting up the discord server this week.
Well, that's it for now until next time.
Big hug.