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Sew Lovely update 2 - Push!

Sew Lovely
A downloadable game for Windows

Hey everyone. This update was a lot bigger than I had planned. I have been quite busy! This update mainly introduces the push tool! a fun new twist to the player's drawing mechanic that's changed up a lot of the game. I have also tweaked a lot of the AI...lets dive in.


Pushing sheep is baaad

You can now push hazards and enemies around! simply sew into them and they will get pushed. This was added to give you more interaction with the game and give the player more options when tackling a tough crowd. Here are some of the things you can do with push:

  • Push an enemy out of a crowd, single them out for an easy attack
  • Push enemies into a wall. Its mean and will hurt them
  • Throw hazards such as napom at enemies to hurt them 

Its implementation is just the start. I will be adding new sandbox toys in next to boost the push tool. For example, with the upcoming explosive barrel  can be thrown at enemies like a grenade or sewn up blow it up where it stands. 


Thinking inside the box (sorry)

Following feedback and making sure the new push tool does not ruin everything. The AI navigation has been improved. Enemies can no longer leave the map and will focus on staying away from the edge of the map to give you enough sewing space. Enemies that do touch the edge of the map will be yeeted back into the arena. 


Lots changes here. I am hoping to get feedback on the state of enemies :) 

Boo - Most changes with another rework

Boo's previous role was a 'hard-to-catch, hazard deployer' and made a lot of levels frustrated. *cough hide-and-seek* however with the new push tool being used to throw hazards around, I have decided to pivot Boo to a more unique role. 'hard-to-catch passive enemy' 

  • Boo no longer deploys hazards, instead focuses more on teleporting to escape you
  •  Boo will now teleport when you sew through it, you go right though them like they are a ghost meaning they counter your push
  • Boo's teleport is a lot safer and consistent 
  • Boo can only damage you now by floating into your thread. This has been supported by a speed boost 

Now comes with the spooky filter

Knight changes

Knight was okay but felt too linear. I also wanted it's charge attack to reflect the new 'keep enemies away from corners' policy

  • Knight charges it's attack for longer and has a spin effect to make it clearer
  • When knight hits a wall it bounces back further, giving it a bonus attack
  • When knight hits the wall it's helmet drops down, returning its protection. You'll need to make the most of helmet down time
  • Loses 1 HP when it hits the wall. Can defeat itself like an idiot if it hits the wall with 1 hp

Other things!

  • Added a close game button on the level select screen, courtesy of feedback 
  • Added soft damage when you sew into a wall. This is a shorter cooldown and any laps you complete will still hurt enemies. 
  • Added a fog effect to ghost missions
  • Did add a RGB rave effect to Raveyard but does not work in .exe :/ 
  • AI will show their name tag on their introduction mission 
  • Baad will spawn their sheeplings towards the middle of the map 
  • Enemies that touch the edge of the map get booted back into the arena 
  • Removed the time remaining text on the win/fail screen, was not necessary or really working 
  • Pom Bom takes longer to detonate, assuring you can deal multiple damage 

Up Next

Next update I will be focusing on adding environmental times. Some fun enemy killing hazards that break up the player sewing motion. It will be worked on with the push tool in mind to push the sandbox of the game. 

I will be taking a break from Sew Lovely. My fiance will be off for 2 weeks and we are going on a weekend away so wont be starting the next update for a fair bit. Thanks for reading :) 


  • Sew Lovely v1.1 (old version) 212 MB
    Jul 29, 2023
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