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Heroine Continues! Post GMTK Game Jam

A browser game made in HTML5

Hello everyone and welcome to the fourth devlog in a series where we cover the development of Heroine. It's been quite awhile! The Demon Head Team recently completed the GMTK Game Jam! Today we'll talk a little about that, lessons learned, and how we plan to apply what we learned to Heroine.

What is Heroine?

For our new readers, Heroine is a dungeon crawleresque game initially prototyped during the Dungeon Crawler 2023 game jam. This time Joanne will be ascending a great mountain. Players need to learn and remember the the attack patterns required to defeat enemies as they progress through each dungeon and ascend the mountain. We are adding a lot more depth to the gameplay of dungeons and also greatly improving the art as well. Play the game jam prototype if you haven't already here!

Post GMTK Game Jam:

The Demon Head Team banded together for another game jam. This time we made a 2D fighting game in 48h for scratch called "Clash of Titans". The twist is that you have an area of effect healing ability and your goal is to bring both your health and the enemies health to a particular level. It's a 1v1 fighting game against an enemy AI alike to Street Fighter.

Feel free to try the GMTK Game Jam game out and let us know what you think!

Here are some words from our artist post game jam:
"After participating in the Game Maker's Toolkit 2023 Game Jam i took a look at my art as a whole and decided to start a training arc cuz i wanna get better, hoping into digital painting, studying anatomy all that fun stuff so i can make my wacky characters and world more lively and eye pleasing, rlly liked this so now i gotta do some re-work on the game's Promo Arts."

There were lots of amazing entries in the GMTK game jam and we definitely have a lot of learning to do. Nevertheless we will keep getting better one step at a time! Expect the future art and games of the Demon Head Team to be even more incredible! We're hard at work upgrading the Kickstarter for Heroine. It shouldn't be too long before we'll be diving full force into production. Look forward to it!

That's all for today!


LoFi Boi


Until Next Time!

- Demon Head Team

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