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Example: Interactive Fiction (1.2)

Strategies for Playdate
A downloadable game

The format is the same as a regular custom deck, with additional text to define available buttons and jump locations.

Example (title and options cards)

The Secret of Little Rapa\\a work of interactive fiction\\\Matt Sephton\2023
  • The first two lines are always the Title card, and the (hidden) options card.
  • Font choice for games will always default to system, regardless of what is set in the text.
  • Colour can be defined pre-deck, or per-card, as 3 or 6 digit HEX (or 4 or 7 if you include alpha).
  • Line breaks can be inserted as \ (a single backslash).

Example (button definition)

BEACH: ⬆️ FOREST ➡️ + ⬇️ + ⬅️ + Ⓐ + 🎨 #FAB 🔔 clap
  • BEACH is the label of the current line
  • : is the start of the button definition
  • ⬆️ ➡️ ⬇️ ⬅️ Ⓐ are the available buttons on that card
  • followed by either + (next card), - (prev card), LABEL (jump to label), number (jump to line, perhaps less useful)
  • in this example d-pad up jumps to the FOREST card
  • 🎨 and the following #FAB code define the colour for that card
  • there is a special colour #000 which is a colour-cycling rainbow
  • 🔔 MP3 sounds can be triggered by filename
  • there is one built-in sound: clap

Example (main cards)

*Welcome, traveller!*\\This deck demonstrates how\a simple _Interactive Fiction_ game\can be played using Strategies\\*Controls* ✛ Ⓐ \\START: + 🎨 #EEE
*You find yourself laying on\a beach of golden sand.*\\GOTO: ⬆️ BEACH ➡️ + ⬇️ + ⬅️ + 🎨 #ffd32c
*The beach seems to go on forever,\every direction looks the same.*\\BEACH: ⬆️ + ⬇️ - ➡️ - ⬅️ - 🎨 #ffd142
*Upon entering a lush green forest,\you can hear running water.*\\GOTO: ⬆️ FOREST ➡️ + ⬇️ + ⬅️ + 🎨 #0A4C
*The forest seems to go on forever,\every tree looks the same.*\\FOREST: ⬆️ + ⬇️ - ➡️ - ⬅️ - 🎨 #093C
*A small stream blocks your way, at one\point it seems narrow enough to cross,.*\\GOTO: ⬆️ - ⬇️ - ➡️ + ⬅️ - 🎨 #07A8
*You climb the hill; the higher you go\the more difficult it is to breathe.*\\GOTO: ⬆️ + 🎨 #2A8C
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