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Long Strange Way Home release!

Long Strange Way Home
A downloadable roleplaying game

Hey all! As you can see, I've just released an intense little 6-page rpg, Long Strange Way Home! It's a roleplaying game intended for one or more players and either one-shots or very short intense campaigns of a handful of sessions, 'cos boy howdy, the player characters (known as targets) are unlikely to survive for long in the chaotic future world this game allows them to explore. They're hunted by weird factions and Earth is just fucked-up in general regardless, so it's only a matter of time.

This was especially influenced by William Gibson's classic cyberpunk novels, as well as the fact that I recently watched (and absolutely loved) the humongous almost 5-hour-long director's cut of Wim Wender's near-future road-movie masterpiece UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD.

A still from said excellent movie.

Beyond that, I've been travelling a bit abroad recently, and especially within Europe this kind of international travel is starting to feel extremely science fiction with its ubiquity of automated systems, QR codes, and so on. I wanted to make a game set in a world that's all of that, but extrapolated to the Nth degree.

Play, enjoy, and lemme know what you think!


  • LSWH_v1.pdf 7 MB
    Jul 25, 2023
Download Long Strange Way Home
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