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Win Prizes with AI Asylum's Character Creation Event!

AI ASYLUM - Nora chapter 3 updated!
A downloadable game for Windows

We’re excited to invite you to our character creation event for AI Asylum, where you can showcase your talents and compete for amazing prizes! Here’s how to participate:

  1. Create a completely original character in AI Asylum and publish it in the game.
  2. Take a screenshot of your character in-game and share it in the comments section on, along with a brief introduction to your character.

You are also welcomed to share your character with our friendly community on our official Discord server.

We’ll be awarding prizes to the creators of the most popular characters, based on the in-game popularity ranking during the event period. For every 10 participants, we’ll also be randomly selecting one winner for a participation prize - up to 5 winners in total!

The creators of the top three most popular characters will each receive an game bundle worth up to $20 of your choice. Each participation prize winner will receive an game chosen by the prize winner him/herself that is worth up to $10.

And there’s more - we’ll also be awarding a special prize to the creator of the character with the highest video views related to the event. This lucky winner will receive an game bundle worth up to $20 of your choice.

Don’t forget: any attempt to artificially inflate the popularity ranking will result in disqualification from the event. And if your character stands out for its unique creativity, we may even invite you to collaborate with us and unlock even more perks, including the opportunity to create a personalized AI character!

So what are you waiting for? Join us in AI Asylum and let your imagination run wild!


  • AI 240 MB
    Jul 21, 2023
Download AI ASYLUM - Nora chapter 3 updated!
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