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Temporary Email Verification Outage. July 24

SOULCOOM™ : Developer Edition
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android


We're aware of an ongoing problem with our verification emails failing to be sent out. We're working on a workaround right now.

If you have been trying to sign up since Sunday and have been unable to verify your email, thank you for your patience thus far. We've been having an outage of our email services ( with our host and a service they use to manage email protection. There is a temporary lock on our email account as we figure this out. Unfortunately, for new demo users. That means a total outage until the lock is lifted.

However, if you are a recent Patron, can you please send me the Username and Email that you signed up with for our service? And I will get you manually added while we figure this out. Please send me a DM here, on Patreon, or on our Discord with that info.

Thank you for your patience while we iron out our verification process.


  • 40 MB
    Version 0.3.7
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