is community of indie game creators and players


Behind the Team

Project Discovery
A downloadable game for Windows


How we work collaboratively to negotiate solutions and stay within project scope:

Establish clear project scope:

At the beginning of the project, we defined and agreed upon the project scope, objectives, and deliverables. This ensures that we have a shared understanding of what needs to be accomplished.

Regular communication: 
Open and consistent communication is essential. We meet regularly to discuss progress, potential issues, and any scope creep that might be occurring. This helps catch problems early on and allows us for prompt negotiation.

Identify potential scope issues: 

We are vigilant about identifying any deviations from the agreed-upon project scope. If we encounter potential scope issues, we raise them to discussion and work together to find solutions. Brainstorming sessions can be helpful, allowing everyone to contribute ideas and suggestions to address the challenges. All scope-related decisions and agreements reached during the negotiation process are documented to avoid misunderstandings later on and ensures that everyone is on the same page

Prioritization and trade-offs: 

Sometimes, we face conflicting requirements or limited resources. In such cases, we prioritize tasks and make trade-offs to ensure the most critical elements of the project stay within scope.

Flexibility and adaptability: 

While it's essential to stick to the project scope as much as possible, some level of flexibility is necessary. The team should be adaptable and responsive to changing circumstances, making sure that any adjustments still align with the overall project objectives.

Review and lessons learned: 

When the project will be completed, we will conduct a review to analyze how well we managed scope throughout the process. Identifying successes and areas for improvement can help future projects be even more successful.



Now that we've wrapped up the development journey of "Project Discovery," it's time to reflect on the process and the lessons we've learned. Overall, the experience has been quite a ride, and we've managed to create a game that we can be proud of. 

Let's dive into the postmortem and discuss the highs, the challenges, and the insights gained along the way.

Smooth Sailing Through the Game Loop: 

One of the most satisfying aspects of this project was the successful implementation of the game loop. It's the heartbeat of our game, and it performed admirably. Our initial planning paid off, as the loop functioned exactly as intended. This solid foundation allowed us to build and refine gameplay mechanics without worrying about fundamental functionality.

Tripping over Optimization: 

However, let's not forget the hurdles we faced, especially in the realm of optimization. It's clear that optimization deserves more focus in our future endeavors. While we managed to address performance issues eventually, they did cause some delays. Looking back, it's evident that integrating optimization techniques earlier in the development process would have saved us both time and energy. It's a lesson well-learned for our next project.

A Lesson in Communication: 

Communication is another key takeaway from this journey. We've come a long way, but there's still room for improvement. Acknowledging that there's a need for better inclusivity when presenting new ideas is a positive step. While we did strive to maintain a tight timeline and stick to the game's scope, it's crucial to balance this with open-mindedness. Ensuring everyone's voice is heard can lead to fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.

Balancing Ambition and Scope: 

Our commitment to sticking with the determined scope of the game was a wise choice. It helped us avoid feature creep and ensure a focused development process. While it's tempting to chase every idea that comes along, adhering to the established scope kept us on track and enabled us to meet our deadlines effectively.

In Conclusion:  

In the end, "Project Discovery" has taught us valuable lessons about collaboration, planning, and adaptability. We've proven that by learning from our challenges, we can continue to evolve as a team of developer / artist. Let's celebrate our successes, acknowledge our setbacks, and channel this experience into our future projects. Together, we have the power to create even more remarkable experiences.

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