Posted July 23, 2023 by jere
This release focuses primarily on monsters, but also tweaks shields and mana effects and adds some new cards.
We realized that monsters are a big part of what makes a deckbuilder interesting. And our monsters were pretty basic before. So we've introduced new monsters with unique abilities and buffed old ones.
Even then, we still felt monsters weren't pressuring the player until late in each level, so now each ranged monster can destroy walls in the path of its ranged attack. Early floors have been made smaller too. The result is that turtling is a lot less effective.
It felt too hard to get value of shields, so shields no longer decay at turn end.
Health is now displayed as a number alongside a heart icon instead of a health bar. It's much easier to evaluate the map state and how close a monster is to death this way.
The boss has been brought back but each boss is now a Guardian monster (instead of a random enemy) with increasing range per level. Eventually we plan to give Guardians unique abilities too.
The Moon mana effect has been changed to Illuminate to enemies on placement. The Illuminated status now increases damage on all effects including attacks.
New Overdraw status added to MOON cards.
The Blood mana effect has been changed to heal allies on placement giving the player more predictability and agency over healing.
We've increased the cost of some blood summons but tweaked their power to reduce the tedium of a summoning playstyle.
Added Fire Stance to some FIRE shields which reflects damage.
Added Firestarter Totem which gives bonus damage for each bonus mana consumed.
Shocked no longer jumps to the player.