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Minus Offline Copy of Cloud Jumping Sim.

Cloud-jumping Simulator
A browser simulation made in HTML5

So, the time has come… The offline Android version of Cloud Jumping Simulator has reached the end.

It’s been a big blast playing the game, until I uploaded a downloadable version of it. Now, the only way you can play the game, is now on your browser, either on a computer or your phone. Pretty much every system (except for older ones) supports it and you don’t need any plug-ins to run on your browser. Just keep in mind, that every time you get an “alert” pop-up, you exit fullscreen. Tip: Press F11 on your keyboard to stay fullscreen all the time. With this no pop-up will kick you out of the game! Also what you have to know, is that when you go to the Slot Machine screen, don’t think, that you can just press the “Back” button (on the top) and it’ll be fine. When you exit this screen, the “Play” button stops working and you have to reload the entire page. Don’t worry though, if you had two tickets to spend and you got your reward, it is saved locally. And finally, the game is very flawed. The obstacles appear on one screen all at once (that happens not that often), the endless sky illusion breaks when upgrades reach max level, and pretty much there’s nothing to do (just gain more score I guess).

So, that’s basically all you have to know if you didn’t. There are planned plenty of updates, in fact there will be plenty (if not one)

What update it’ll be? It’s a secret. So just sit back and wait for it. Have any ideas? Tell me in the comments!

Follow to get also notified for other game updates! You can also follow Me on Game Jolt for other games and many devlogs! Just remember: I’m not always online

I hope it was useful and informative So…

Happy holidays and Good Jumpin’ on clouds!

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