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Mech Jam IV project (Mechatron 3026)

Mechatron 3026
A browser game made in HTML5

Just a list of things I learned making this game, more for myself to remember but if anyone else gets something from this let me know!

Godot 4 Tilemaps/Tilesets - Kinda got some basics down, need to look into it more to actually make my game look good. I had some issues with selection, I would click the tilemap but I couldn't paint anything until I clicked away and back. Not sure if this is a bug or something I was doing wrong, I will look at the godot github and try to get a minimum recreation,

Customizing player weapons - Very basic but I can expand this in the future. The way I did it isn't great, it attaches the weapons to the player in a very specific way. I need to make this more scalable, but its a good start.

Score Counter and AudioManager OR making scenes that aren't connected talk to each other - This sucks and is hard and I think Godot is more built towards making scenes as independent as possible. These things do need to talk to each other sometimes, but I am not sure that I am doing it correctly yet. My bandaid is using Autoloads (singletons).

Volume Control - Simple scene and really crucial for anything I let other people play! Playing sounds too loud is messed up! This is something I was putting off but was easier than I expected. I just need to actually try things that I think will be difficult, sometimes they aren't!

Enemy Spawn Path - Clever little thing and really useful, I can set its position and remotely set up spawners as needed. I can use this for a lot of random enemy spawns. I think I know how to add more spawners on a timer, but I need to test it and confirm.

I will add onto this post as I think about this more. I really enjoyed making this game, it is very simple but I am proud of it being a complete experience. I have some ideas about how to expand and improve it, but I will save that until I get something made.

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