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New... weird... discoveries

Daydream Residence
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Well, a lot has happened regarding this. Like, not that negative, but... I would say... neutral-negative.

I noticed that a bot has reposted this game on another website which is very weird. Wouldn't have thought a bot like that exists. I suspect it's because of the "nsfw" tag, but the bot misunderstood what it meant. The only "nsfw" thing that happens in this game, is that in one of the endings a character dies. It sort of goes under that tag, right? Well, I took the tag down and added a content warning in the end of the game description. I don't think I'll contact the page though, since it does credit me which is fine? I suppose?

Anyway, that's all with the negative stuff actually. Now to good news.

So, I was looking through the game and noticed that there is no music. That gave me an idea - I should work on the OST for the game.
I have *never* done anything related to music :,D
Well, I researched on what audio editing program I should use and I couldn't get anything to work. So after a few headaches and a trojan virus later I just gave up and used a video editing program I had on hand (my computers fine btw XD ).  I made a little test sound... thingy... that you can give a listen to:

I also decided to redraw all of the character assets, to give all of the expressions a special pose and change up their outfits a bit as well. We'll see how that goes.

That's all for now. I prepared some promo art, but since posts have to be cut off then you can go check the full picture out at twitter (instagram might cut it too).

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