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Away From Keyboard | The Post-jam Version is out!

Away From Keyboard
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux


As promised in the previous post, the post-jam version is out now! It fixes most of the major bugs that were in the jam version, and also implements some gameplay/QoL changes.



-"Home" sprite (trigger for game completion) is now visible

-fixed weird stop sign behaviour (signs are no longer treated as solid ground)

-gravity blocks are now treated as solid ground

-it is now possible to collect the green slider orb

-The background tiles now render in the build

-The "restart" and "menu" buttons no longer display unnecessary text

-improved slider controls ("jumping" to a specific location on a slider with the mouse cursor is now possible)

-recoloured sliders

-lines between tilemap tiles don't flicker anymore*

-player animations now work as intended

-fixed a glitch where the player could start moonwalking after bouncing and then restarting at a checkpoint

-fixed incorrectly applied player rotations in general

-in the credits/"Thanks for playing" screen, there are now "Back to Menu" and "Quit" buttons.

-fixed the spelling and alignment mistakes in the controls/story explanation.

-WASD/arrow keys no longer affect UI (buttons/sliders)

-changed skybox dimensions

-slightly altered the terrain/tile placement of the starting area

-slightly changed the masses of various GameObjects (meaning some collisions will be more/less apparent)

-Tiles no longer retain their velocity after deselecting/resetting them

-adjusted player hitbox

-tweaked the difficulty of the final area

*note: if lines between tilemap tiles still flicker when playing, please leave a comment. I didn't set the camera to pixel perfect and antialiasing is still enabled, so that might be what's also causing this issue.


Some glitches were still left in the game, but might get reworked in future versions. These "features"  include:

-glitchy tile movement in a circle - the playtester didn't do their job properly after all

-glitchy camera movement


What's next?

After the post-jam version, I'll start development on the post-post-jam version. Basically, it'll be a reimagining of the jam version, sticking to the original mechanics, but adding more content to explore and making the game look more polished. If I continue development after that, I'll add even more levels and mechanics. But, if I do continue development, I'll probably announce it in a proper post. So, until then, you should be on the lookout for the post-post-jam version, which should hopefully be released by the end of July.

Anyways, good luck and have fun playing!



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