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1.0.2 - multiple decks and window restoration

YAL's Deck (working title)
A downloadable tool for Windows

New things

  • You can now have multiple decks!
    Each one has its own columns and can have its own color theme.
  • You can now automatically re-insert windows into columns when re-opening a deck!
    Good if you have a lot of windows / re-open the tool often. Configurable in deck settings.
  • There’s now an option to auto-crop “normal” window borders!
    (thanks to Spitfire_x86)
  • There’s now a very basic update checker because I found that you can ask itch about the version and it’ll respond with 20 bytes of JSON.


  • Lightbox extension is now a little smarter about what is worth and what isn’t worth showing in a lightbox (e.g. cohost GIFs aren’t shown in the lightbox because I can’t figure out how to get the full GIF URL from the thumbnail).


  • Fixed an oddity where minimizing the window could collapse deck contents into zero-height windows.
    (technically that’s how Windows works - minimized windows are just very small and very far away)


  • 410 kB
    Version 1.0.2
Download YAL's Deck (working title)
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