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0.0.5 Beta

Danger Ahead Remastered
A downloadable Danger, and Ahead>:) for Windows

this Beta is for a bigger update that Dosent add very much but changes alot instead, here are some changes that i think you would like:)

- Added the destroy Gun for mod mode

- Added a new setting, Avatar type, you can choose between full body or hands only

- Changed the hands vrgk gives you to new hands, you can see them in hands only or in the main menu

- Replaced the Sniper with the AWM

- Added a new gun the Degle .50(didnt misspell it)

- Added a new scoping mechanic for snipers and scopes

- Improved some hand positions

- Added 2 new inventory slots behine the player

- Added advanced sliders on all guns but the m16 and AWM

- Made mod Mode persiste threw games

-Removed amulets and slingshot for reason

- Added ragdoll death

- Added a food bar underneath the players health

- the spas-12 is now a pump shotgun


  • Danger Ahead 0.0.5 Patch 2 5 GB
    Version 7
Download Danger Ahead Remastered
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