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Development Update - 02/07/23

The Artist - Act One
A downloadable Visual Novel for Windows and macOS

Please Note: This development update is from 2nd July 2023. All development logs are posted to Patreon backers first as well as on our Discord for owners of the DLC.

What a week it has been!

I have updated the progress graph on the main Patreon page that gives you a more detailed look on how things are progressing for each stage. There are more elements to the development of course, but these are the basics that dictate 99% of the progress.

As you will see from the graph, ACT TWO IS COMPLETELY WRITTEN! DONE. FINITE. I do want to give major credit to our writer here. His ability to knock out scenes like an afternoon wank have made the writing process so much easier. And let me tell you, when I first got my hands on the script, my heart was racing. Not totally down to excitement; mostly because what will be happening in this Act! I wish I could give you all the script to read now, or that there was a magic button I could press to get the next major update out to you all straight away! (There isn't, I've looked)

I have finished setting up the master scenes now that I have the script, and the next job for me as the artist is to work my way through the dialogue. The first scene is completely done, and deals with where we left off with Act One. It has taken some time to get back into the swing of it. Especially with the various releases, bug fixes, marketing... everything. BUT, there's just one teeny update to come out to fix some typos and the last few crumbs of errors, and then I am 100% back in the thick of it. Once Xaos has given me the latest build for this bug fix, he will then be working on an official Android port for those that prefer to play on mobile! For future releases, it means you guys get to play on your android device without having to wait for a community port and then wait even longer for any other updates. Plus you get full support from the team if anything goes wrong!

The Steam release went out this week, and we are absolutely LOVING the response. Super over the moon with the reception we've had, and looking over the reviews we've had, it puts a smile on our faces seeing you guys loving this as much as we hoped you would!

I am in the process of creating a DLC for the Steam version that acts as a 'Developer Donation'. At the moment, it would be an empty game file and the DLC purely serves as a one off time donation as an alternative to Patreon. I will be putting together a Steam exclusive gallery to include in that DLC that will be accesible in-game. All my 'Fan' tier subscribers (past, present, and future) will receive either the Steam key to the DLC, the standlone Steam build (if they don't want to clutter their Steam library with saucy games), or the gallery images zipped up and sent over to you. If you have any suggestions on who should feature in the gallery, what scenarios, ANYTHING - let me know in the comments or over on Discord!

That's all the update I have for you this week. Keep the feedback and excitement coming in! :)

Download The Artist - Act One
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