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Jam Results

Room of a Thousand Petals
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hello everyone, 

The results for Pride Jam 5 have finally been published, so it's time to go through it together. I'll discuss some of my more in-depth feelings in a separate postmortem, but for now, I just want to focus on the immediate ratings. 

"Room" was one of three games which ultimately was considered a "late entry," and this did ultimately affect the scores a little bit. We only had our unfinished beta out for about three days, which tends to be the biggest surge of activity. We got out Cold Open within a week, which was good for us, and Happy Hour about two days after that. 

As a result, the majority of the scores came in as either from beta version or Cold Open version. Happy Hour, which has the most fixes and polish, is as far as we can reasonably take the "Jam" version. Those who played Cold Open or Happy Hour often commented that it was one of their favorite games of the Jam, which is great! But ultimately, due to a lot of circumstances beyond our control, we finished 18th overall of 32 entries (including the other late entries.) 

It's a little hard to swallow considering all the work we put in, but there are positives to take away from it. 

"Room" finished fifth in "use of LGBTQ themes", which was a goal of ours from the start. "Room" also finished ninth overall in writing, which is in the top third of entries. Considering the other entries, that is nothing to be ashamed of. 

As a director, I learned a lot from this project on a personal note. But I want it to be known that this project would not have been possible without the contributions of nearly a dozen other contributors. It is because of them this project came to life. I will always, always appreciate that. My motivation to get out any version of this game was because I did not want to see their efforts go to nothing.

I appreciate everyone who played the game and offered up feedback, whether that was via comment or on stream, and would encourage you to play the game in this state if you haven't yet. "Room" is filled with stories which meet people where they can be understood, wherever they are in the process, and we are proud to have tried to give those stories justice. 


junejijo, on behalf of BakaBaku Circle

P.S.: as stated earlier, a longer postmortem will be published soon; please follow us to get a notification when we update or check Twitter @BakaBakuCircle!

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