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Race to finish by end of the year

Breakfast Empires
A downloadable game for Windows

The biggest changes in the newest build are

  1. Quick Save. Now you'll be able to save a game. No surprise it was a big PITA to implement, and there are likely a few bugs.
  2. Richer Biomes. There's a new terrain type, Autumn. The other biomes now have plants, trees, rocks, etc. for a more pleasing appearance.

My goal is to have Breakfast Empires finished by the end of the year. It's going to be rough! The good news is that a viable save/load was one of the major milestones remaining.

There's a lot of ground to cover to complete the game by the end of the year.


  1. Battle revamp. The battlefield will be a dynamic and animated. No plans to make it controllable, but it will be more interesting. Also, players will get a better feel for how the battle unfolded.
    It shouldn't be difficult, but I'll have to make attack animations. Death animations only if there's time!
  2. Multiple saves. Players will be able to save multiple games. Getting save and load was the hard part! Multiple save should be relatively easy.
  3. Rebindable hotkeys.
  4. Level 4 cities and soldiers. Especially needed for the Toast faction, as it doesn't have a good way to attack cities with Stone Walls.
  5. Campaign. This will replace the How to Play, providing a more natural way for the player to learn the game. The story will be necessarily bare-bones.
  6. More maps. Don't need a ton more, but there should be more with a longer average distance between cities. Most of the current maps are tilted towards rush instead of boom.


  1. New faction. Realistically, this is unlikely will happen in 2023.
  2. Graphical improvements. The Glutenmancer and Toast sprites are probably required reworks. The Eggapult is kind of ugly, and the Toaster may get a facelift. Also want to add juice and particle effects (eg, a city upgrade will add some dust and building sounds)
  3. Wiki/encyclopedia. Strategy players often like seeing stats and details. Hard to justify without a player base.
  4. Map editor. Something else I can't justify spending time on now. I do have my own, but it's buggy and not feature-complete.
  5. New city node types. Allows some additional map construction.
  6. New victory condition. The center of the map will have a special city, Xanadu. A player controlling the city for x turns will win. It is a city of peace, so players won't be able to build anything, armies will take damage each turn and the city will instantly rebel if there is no army occupying it at end of turn.
  7. Harder levels of AI. Probably only one level harder is possible. At minimum, it should 
    1. Properly navigate an early game with aggressive neutrals.
    2. Coordinate multiple armies on a target.
    3. When an army's full, be more judicious about attacking (related to point b).
  8. Figuring out music. The music is AI generated. Not going to spend time editing them, as they are sufficient, but I'm not certain what styles work best.
  9. Rebalance a few maps
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