Posted July 06, 2023 by Orange Carnation
[Simple chibi drawing of the main character of Kiss Kiss Kissy running along, with a slice of toast in their mouth and sweat drops flying behind them. The background is bright pink, and they are colored in bright blue with outlines radiating out from them. There are circles where the colors are lighter coming out from the center in a pattern resembling a target.]
Not as big as the similar update for the Snip Snip Snippy demo, but- here it is!
The extent of this update is as follows:
I thought the songs were .ogg files, hence why when I updated the SSSy demo, I changed the files to .ogg. Since the songs in Kissy played more reliably. But apparently not. Well. Okay whatever i guess
One more thing, something I forgot to put in the post for the demo update, but is still relevant here- I've since gotten a brown tabby cat in real life!
[Photo of a brown tabby cat laying on the floor, looking up at the photographer with one ear pointed back.]
His name is Simon and I don't think any strange beings are using a costume of his likeness for mysterious, foul means