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Progress Report – 7/05/2023

Spire of Slime
A downloadable game for Windows

We made a ton of progress since the demo v2 and we are getting close to the v3 release, the changelog keeps growing, already occupying almost 3 pages.

Since I don’t want this post to be 3 pages long, I’ll only include the biggest changes:

  • All the reported bugs from the demo v2 have been fixed.
  • Translation support, currently with 30 languages via MTL (Works offline), we plan to release human translations (to some languages) near the completion of the game.
  • Tons of UX improvements. (Such as tooltips, much faster combat)
  • New soundtrack for the path between Chapel - Grove, made by Cashandbrand.
  • 2 new enemies: Jelly Crown and Beezador.
  • Lust/Grapple system rework. (Details will be provided in the full changelog)
  • New “type” of skill: Overlays, unlike previous skills which used sprites, this kind will instead show a CG overlay including both characters (Caster/Target), this type will mostly be used by lewd skills. Each enemy will have at least one, some will have multiple. Each overlay skill has 4 variations for each girl (8 total), variations will depend on the girl’s Lust, Temptation, Corruption and Sex Experience with the enemy’s race/type.
  • Introducing (Finally) the most important stat in the game: Corruption, which will affect combat, scene outcomes and more. Coupled with it comes a stat that tracks the sexual experience each character has with each race/type.
  • 3 new local map events (More coming).
  • 1 new story scene. (It was included on the demo v2 but couldn’t be accessed due to a bug)
  • Small rework on the stat upgrading system, which will be needed for the upcoming local map (Hexagon Dungeon) rework.
  • Many balancing changes.

What still needs to be done for the v3 release?

Please keep in mind the list bellow is an estimate, I likely forgot to include some things and more will be added. Though this list does include the biggest tasks.

  • 2 Idle animation loops: one for Jelly Crown and one for Beezador.
  • Sound effects for: 10 new skills (enemies), 2 on-hit (enemies), several for the new 3 local map events, 4 for UI/Combat cues.
  • 12 grapple sex animations (2 already in progress): we would like to already include animations for the grappling sex loops in combat. That will be 6 enemies, each with a variation for Ethel/Nema.
  • Voice acting + Sfxs: we would like to add moans/sex noises for the 12 grapple sex animations we will have.
  • VFX for the 12 grapple sex animations and an additional cumming/orgasm variation for each. (e.g: fluids spreading everywhere, cinematic camera movement)
  • Small rework for the combat UI: the Lust/Grapple rework will require this. We already have a graphic artist working on it.
  • Edits to both the Local Map and Character Panel’s UI in order to include the new stats added.
  • Add translations to status tooltips.
  • Test and bugfix everything.

The Financial Side

Many of the things above require commissions, which we can’t currently afford.

As an incentive, we have added 3 new tiers to SubscribeStar, each allowing you to add something custom of your choice to the game. The rewards for those tiers include more content on the game, which benefits all players in the end. Prices being: $50/100/200

I also have two more ideas which could help fund the project while providing the supporter a concrete understanding of where their money is going to. Consider telling me what you think of those:

  1. Provide the public the cost of each of those commissions, allowing you to donate directly to them, meaning your money will 100% be used to fill that commission.
  2. Provide the public a list of equipment (and prices) our team members need to improve their production, like: graphic tablet and computer parts. We would also gladly accept used products so people willing to donate could send us used equipment if they have spares.

We are currently not interested in publishers as those would likely mess with our artistic freedom while also being a pain to deal with.

I understanding reading about money is not fun; writing also isn’t and it’s (in my opinion) the most boring part about game development, but we do need more funds in order to keep development going and hopefully be able to make a living out of making games.

Download Spire of Slime
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