Posted July 04, 2023 by Sparuh
#update #news
We want to express our gratitude for your continuous support and engagement with our game. We understand that there have been concerns regarding the Budget rules, and we appreciate you bringing them to our attention. In this update, we aim to address your confusion and provide the necessary clarification. We’ve also updated the book to v.0.2. with all these issue fixed.
Example Discrepancy: We acknowledge the inconsistency in the example provided and its alignment with the calculation of the total value. We apologize for the oversight, and we have rectified this in the latest version of the rules. The revised example now correctly aligns with the chart, resulting in a total value of 2 + 2 + 3 + 3, as you correctly pointed out.
Card Combination Classification: We value your observation regarding the classification of the card combination. Initially, we intended to designate it as “Three of a Kind” with a bonus of +3. However, after carefully reviewing your feedback, we recognize that this combination should indeed be classified as a “Full House,” warranting a bonus of +6. We apologize for the confusion caused by this inconsistency, and we have made the necessary adjustments in the latest version of the rules.
Replacing Cards during Character Creation and Gameplay: To address your question about replacing cards during character creation and gameplay, we recommend that you refrain from returning the cards to the deck after drawing them. There is no need to replace your character cards into the deck during these phases. Instead, we encourage you to continue playing until the deck is fully exhausted. At that point, you can shuffle the deck and commence a new session of gameplay. Please note that a single deck is intended to be used for one session of gameplay.
We sincerely apologize for any confusion caused by these inconsistencies in the rules. Your feedback is immensely valuable to us, as it enables us to enhance the game and provide a more enjoyable experience for all players. Should you have any further inquiries or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.