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Version 0.2 released

A downloadable game

I have been adding to this bits at a time. I think I'll stay at version 0.2 for a while as I tweak things. Which is to say, the rules are basically playable now. It comes in at an even 30 pages, and as far as I've read there are no glaring gaps.

In other news, two of the character designs are complete from the great David Holderman! I've posted the pictures here, but when high-resolution scans come through I'll put them into the PDF.

My basic roadmap is to build out a few more of the lists and tables. These include:
- More spells
- Better tables (more signature maneuvers, items at shops)
- Tweaks to economy, experience points, and so on, after playtesting

I'm considering adding a supplemental chapter, which contains tables for plot hooks, events, and sorts of things to ease player and GMs, as well. I think that comes after I get the regular game in a more complete state.

Also, I'm curious to hear if any of you have downloaded Nightfolk and given it a read. Is there anything interesting in it? Anything you dislike?

Download Nightfolk
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