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Desktop Explorer Demo v0.12 Officially Released!

Desktop Explorer
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

After one month of hard work, the demo for Desktop Explorer is out!

We started working towards a playable demo in early June, with the goal of being able to submit an application to Seattle Indies Expo (SIX). As of today, applications have closed and we've submitted our latest builds for the demo. The original deadline for submission was June 25th and we did have a complete build submitted by then, however the deadline was extended for a week until July 2nd and we used that extra time to polish the game. We were able to add a few visual and audio improvements and several tweaks to the game's puzzles and text. 

One notable improvement was the addition of a shader overlay designed to make the game look as if it were being displayed through a CRT monitor. This change required us to update all of the promotional imagery on the game, as we wanted the screenshots and trailer to accurately represent how the game looks and feels. 

With this release, the demo will not be updated until we hear the results from SIX, but that doesn't mean the project stops here! Desktop Explorer will stay in development for it's eventual full release. We will make sure to keep you updated on dates and development progress. 

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