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Reality Breaking Storyline!! | Jamlog

LoopOver:The Final Destination
A browser game made in HTML5

With your family murdered by a vicious power hungry celebrity Makar Ubona , you Dr. Zakar under grief and sorrow after months of training managed to get into a party hosted by the vicious murderer. Filled with rage, you devise a plan to sneak into the VIP room using the disguise of a guard. Will you meet the same fate as your family? Or will you get your revenge successfully just to find out there are other forces at play?

Pre-Production(Day 1):

  • Documenting the Recreating one of the old parts of LoopOver with the motive of giving it a Second part which aligns with the theme of the jam!!
  • Collecting resources and calling out Voice Actors for the game.
  • Writing of dialouges and rough sketching up of cutscenes.

During Production(Day 1-3):

  • Started with building a base environment creation.
  • Order followed - Brainstorming > Game Writing > Remaining Asset Creation > Level Designing > Quests & Cutscenes
  • Lastly Voiceovers were added ingame.

Post-Production(Day 1-3):

  • Creation of digital content for the game page.
  • Writing of devlog and giving final touches to the environment.
  • And obviously Publishing the game!!

Extras: Amount of hours slept during this game jam - approximate 4 hours.

Tip 1 for game jam - Always plan a little before every jam and make sure to have everything organized.
Tip 2 for game jam - Voice-overs push the game out to a next level, so make sure to use those in your game!!                                  

Special thanks goes to the whole team who made this game possible!!


  • LoopOverFinale - Windows Version 130 MB
    Jul 03, 2023
Download LoopOver:The Final Destination
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