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Progress 3/07/2023

Arcane Fishing
A downloadable game for Windows

Progress Report for June:

Data, lots of data

Not much has happened during June and I don't really have anything visual to show so in summary, I've been writing stats for spells, items, enemies, status effects, bosses, attacks etc. Pretty much anything that there will be multiple of. I'm setting it up in a way that will allow enemies and attacks to vary to an extent to keep things interesting when fishing up the same fish.

Equipment & stats

Ive changed and updated a lot of code to allow for equipment to affect stats of both your character and the enemies that you fight. The new battle system is almost complete, afterwards I will be able to work on the art and animations for the game. Hopefully things will start getting flashy.

Personal Notes

Generally on top of working full time, I've been procrastinating a lot on this project so not much has progressed. I feel like this is due to being lazy and having a fear of not having the skills to live up to my own standards for this project. Just trying to force myself to work on it but when I start working, I manage to get a lot done. Anyway thanks for reading this far, hope you have a great month!

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