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New Update

D&D DM Randomization Tools
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

New update made to the tool.

It now contains a potion randomizer that will give you something like this:

Potion Type: Juice

Potion Effect: Babelfish. Lets the user speak any language but not understand it.

Potion Strength: Minor with a strong side effect.

Potion Container: A capped horn

The label: Crawling with bugs

side effect?: Loss of strength.

The appearance: Clear with Two separating liquid

Texture of the potion: Thick and sludgy

If drunk, the taste: Minty

the smell: Indescribable but horrid

On that note, a second update made to the tool allows for anyone using it to copy the displayed text into their clipboard to allow it to be pasted elsewhere, whether that be in Roll20, their notes, or whatever. 

Hopefully I'll be able to keep these updates rolling. Even if it's only every month, it's still progress!


  • Randomization Tool for Mac, Windows, and Linux 99 MB
    Jul 02, 2023
Download D&D DM Randomization Tools
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