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Development update!

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux


It's been a few weeks since the release of the prologue, so I figured I would post a development update.

In regards to the writing process, so far I have written 21k words, and close to finishing Act 1 (first draft of course). I have little bits and pieces written for the other parts of the story but I'll get to em when I get to em.

Outside of the direct script, I have more or less the whole thing planned out and outlined. Things are subject to change, and change they will, but there's a good framework to work off of.

For now this will be the main focus which means there's not much to show off visually, but I have started chipping away at some sprites too. In particular, I have started working on Heather's sprites!

Only during the whole coding process of the prologue and using ActionScript I found out about rescaling and recolouring sprites, so expect much higher resolution spritework from now on! That will probably be one of the most notable visual changes going from the prologue to the full visual novel.

Outside of that, I have some music going here and there, but that's even lower priority than spritework so it's more of a byproduct of when I feel like making music.

For now I think that wraps up the current progress of development! If you want to keep up more regularly with my work you can check out my Tumblr . Twitter is dead so I have switched to Tumblr for the most part. Butterfly//Circuit has started to seep into my brain a lot more so I'm drawing a lot more art of the characters so follow me there for that.

Stay tuned for future updates!

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