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Heroine! Redesigning Toomba

A browser game made in HTML5

Hello again everyone! Welcome to the third devlog where we share our progress as we go about developing our upcoming game Heroine. Unfortunately, last week, I got sick quite terribly so I wasn't able to write last week. In any case, I'm feeling a lot better now and the team is still been churning away at developing - so here's the latest devlog.

What is Heroine?
For our new readers, Heroine is a dungeon crawleresque game initially prototyped during the Dungeon Crawler 2023 game jam. This time Joanne will be ascending a great mountain. Players need to learn and remember the the attack patterns required to defeat enemies as they progress through each dungeon and ascend the mountain. We are adding a lot more depth to the gameplay of dungeons and also greatly improving the art as well. Play the game jam prototype if you haven't already here!

Art Devlog:
Recently our fantabulous artist LoFi Boi has been hard at work developing some promotional art as well as some of the art for our actual game. In particular, he's been kind enough to share with us some of his inspiration and process in relation to shading his pixel art.

LoFi Boi: "Been Playing a lot of Shovel Knight Dig by Nitrome, my favorite franchise, my favorite developer, been trying to make my Pixel Art as good as theirs for our game and i think i kinda did it.

I am personally amazed by how much charm and information can be communicated with just a handful of colours! Indeed, quality over quantity is key.

This led to a visual redesign of our Toomba enemy. The animation is much more lively - and just look at that screen space! Just wait until you see everything in a complete environment - you will definitely be amazed!

That's all for this week!

Also, we 2 important announcements to make.

First, we are currently busily making a Kickstarter campaign for our game, more details about that are coming up in the near future.

Second, many of the members of Demon Head Studios will be participating in the GMTK game jam coming up next week. For this reason, we are temporarily taking a break from developing Heroine. As soon as we are done the game jam and preparing a bit more for the Kickstarter (about two weeks) we will be back to making this project and devlogging too - so look forward to it!


LoFi Boi


Until Next Time!

- Demon Head Team

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