is community of indie game creators and players


26th - 28th

A browser game made in HTML5

Okay. Melee guy is in, and base behaviors are working for him. I do have to do a little bit of refactoring, because the project was never meant to get this complicated, and I wasn't originally going to have more than one type of AI.

here's a new melee guy standing next to one of the gun guys. They're meant to be pretty similar, as members of the same group, but hopefully distinct enough from one another it'll be easy to tell who is who at a glance.

Honestly, i could have gotten this done quicker, but I was struggling with whether or not I wanted aliens in this scifi at all. It was part of the original idea for the universe, but as time went on, and I accidentally hit into this more cyberpunk aesthetic I got less sure. I also wasn't sure it would make sense for this gang to have both humans and aliens, many real gangs are not so inclusive. But I think the Red Orbital Syndicate only really cares about money.

In no small part, did the decision come down to the fact that I already made the alien, and was liking his look, and I really really wanted a more distinct silhouette to differentiate enemy types.

Made a few different swinging animations, and finally tried out Animation Events which trigger when the sword can do damage, and turn on/off the trail for it.

I also removed the grapple enemy function, and added in its place the ability to pickup and move barrels by holding E. This lets the player set up traps with explosive barrels much easier. Before you could move them by walking into them and hitting them with the sword, and if they got stuck in a corner, it was very frustrating. Like, it was fun when it worked, and you baseball batted, or golf club swung, a barrel perfectly into a group of enemies. But now we get that fun without any annoyance. 

You can also pick up dead enemy corpses, though they're floppy and hard to control. It would be a cool feature to explore for hiding bodies, but since its a browser game, and I'm trying to conserve resources, bodies disappear after 10 seconds, so its kind of pointless right now.


  • Negotiator 27 MB
    Jun 26, 2023
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