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Book Birthday!

Hymn of Memory
A downloadable book


This is not quite a game, but it is the reason I haven't been game making!

This is 🌻HYMN OF MEMORY🌻, the project I have been working on since 2021. Originally, I would never have dreamed of self-publishing because I always told myself it was too hard or I didn't have the necessary skills, but here I am and here it is!

The story is dear to me for many reasons, but the main one is Morgan as a character. He's in what appears to be an unwinnable scenario despite how important he is to the world and how it works. When he gets his chance to escape, he takes it immediately because he's that desperate for escape. In a sea of narratives where people who are the Chosen One to do x, y, and z, I was tired that the end result after all is said and done, is that the character goes back to what they were running from and it's somehow better when realistically, would it be? So, I wanted to explore that with Morgan and I think I did a good job. I do have a sequel in mind that furthers explores what happens AFTER the events of this story, but we'll see if I can get enough ideas to make something substantial! 

In any case, even in the face of all the rejections I endured trying to query it to agents to get it traditionally published (and there were many rejections making me question if I could do this), I still loved this idea and most importantly, still felt confident in my writing. After querying for an entire year, I said to heck with it. I can do it myself! I have enough of the skills to do my best.

Early readers agree HYMN OF MEMORY is as beautiful as it is sad and in the center of all that, it has hope. So, if you've liked my games and enjoy the emotional stories I've already made, please give this a shot! Be mindful of the CWs because it does start pretty heavy!

Thank you for being here and all your support!! 🌻


  • Hymn of Memory (EPUB) 962 kB
    May 05, 2023
Download Hymn of Memory
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