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Granite Casket alpha 3.3 update and Future discussion

Granite Casket
A downloadable game for Windows

Alpha 3.3 update

Added 2 more tutorial popups to convey head orientation and shape helpers.
Reworked player hands
Added optional Oxygen meter so breath control is less ambiguous. (lisited under gameplay options)
Fixed some invincibility glitches you could get by constantly ramming your face into a wall every frame.

I think that concludes this alpha demo cycle, the current build will remain up indefinitely as I continue work on the game, but I won't be making any small updates for a while. My next goal is to have a steam page set up with a substantial demo (more levels, new tools, some story elements, better UI, better player navigation)
There are still some fundamental features that need to be added, and until those are ready I'm going to keep the project in alpha. I'm anticipating the Steam demo to be the beta release, and then after that it will be content creation for the full release. 

I'll still be teasing updates and features on my twitter, so feel free to follow there for sneak peeks.
I appreciate everyone that has tried the game so far and given feedback, I have noted it all down and I have quite a list of tasks to get through. You're all helping improve this project and I can't thank you enough for trying out this weird horror experience I'm cobbling together. If you're reading this in the future feel free to send through any feedback you have, I'm kinda slow at dev so chances are any feedback will still be relevant.


  • Granite Casket alpha 3.3
    Jun 12, 2023
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