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Learn You a Game Jam: Pixel Edition Devlog

Moonsters: Area 51
A browser game made in HTML5

Dev Log - Creating a Game for "Learn You a Game Jam: Pixel Edition"

Day 1:

I'm excited to document my journey of creating a game for the "Learn You a Game Jam: Pixel Edition." As a developer, this is my first time diving into the realm of pixel art and creating all the graphics from scratch. I've always admired pixel art, so this jam seems like the perfect opportunity to learn and showcase my skills.

I started by brainstorming ideas for my game. I wanted something simple yet engaging, with a nostalgic touch. After a few sketches and concept iterations, I settled on a platformer game where monsters need to rescue their mum.

Day 2:

Now that I have a clear concept in mind, it's time to start working on the graphics. I researched pixel art techniques and tutorials online to get a better understanding of the style. Armed with this knowledge, I began creating the main character sprite. It was a challenging process, but I embraced the limitations of pixel art and focused on creating a charming and expressive character.

Next, I moved on to designing the game's environment. I wanted to create a vibrant and visually appealing world. I spent hours tweaking and refining each tile and background element until they felt just right.

Day 3:

With most of the art assets completed, it's time to bring the game to life. I fired up my trusty game development tool and started coding the mechanics. Since it's a platformer, I implemented basic movement controls like running, jumping, and collision detection. It took some fine-tuning to get the physics and controls feeling responsive and polished.

Day 4:

After a lot of coding and bug fixing, the game is starting to take shape.  It's the little details that make a difference in games. The game now has a catchy soundtrack that was made by Tallbeard Studio

Day 5:

The final day is here, and it's time to wrap things up. I spent the day playtesting the game, fixing any remaining bugs, and adjusting the difficulty curve. I wanted to strike a balance between challenging and enjoyable, making sure players feel a sense of accomplishment when completing each level.

I also created a title screen and added some delightful pixel art animations to make the game feel more polished and professional. It's incredible to see how far I've come in just a few days.


Participating in the "Learn You a Game Jam: Pixel Edition" has been an incredible experience. I not only learned the art of pixel art but also discovered the joy of creating everything from scratch. From character sprites to background tiles and animations, every visual element in the game is a testament to my newfound skills.

Creating a game from start to finish in such a short timeframe was challenging but immensely rewarding. I'm proud of the final result—a fun and visually captivating platformer that showcases my dedication to pixel art. It's a stepping stone in my game development journey, and I can't wait to continue honing my skills and exploring new horizons in the world of game development.

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