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One Voice v1.0 Release! Plus Changelog

One Voice
A browser game made in HTML5

Version 1.0 of One Voice! It contains a bunch of updates and improvements on the version we made for the GameDevTV Game Jam 2023. New levels, new enemies, a full difficulty rebalance, additional control options and much more! We hope you have a look and enjoy it.

Change Log

  • One Voice v1 WebGL (coming soon)

    - Post GameDevTV Game Jam Update.
    - From v1.0 onward this project no longer strictly follows the rules of the jam.
    - Levels have been rebalanced and retuned.
    - Added two new stages.
    - Added three new enemy types.
    - Added an options screen with some difficulty controls, level select, and more!
    - Added an alternative cursor tracking movement option for anyone experiencing significant lag.
    - Added a reduced particle setting for anyone experiencing fps issues.
    - Added a controls screen with details about how to play on PC, mobile or graphics tablet.
    - Added in-game change log and credits screens.
    - Converted the game to the new Input system for improved graphics tablet and mobile support.
    - Installed Odin Inspector so I can actually tweak enemy patterns without it being a nightmare.
    - Converted stages to scriptable objects.
    - Fixed some spawn wave orders that were causing excessive difficulty.
    - Fixed some enemies that were spawning on top of each other.
    - You can now change paint color while paused (spacebar).
    - Completed the final screen closer to the original plan.
    - Increased the resolution of the Aria sprites.
    - There are now two final screen art pieces. Which you see depends on your score!
    - Added rank scoring mechanics.
    - Fixed multiple issues with the File Integrity meter not being updated properly.
    - Added some effects to show when File Integrity is being restored or full.
    - Improved many of the effects and particle systems to closer represent their initial plans.
    - Fill tool has been repositioned correctly.
    - You can now also use the fill tool to destroy other enemies in a pinch!
    - Improved a bunch of other minor UI stuff.
    - Mountains of code fixes and separation of scripts.
    - A new revision of the dialogue has been done. The original can still be played too!
    - Lots of new sound effects, replaced most of the previous ones.
    - Improved audio management + effects.
    - Void enemy fill effect z position fighting fixed.
    - Void enemy eyes won't stray from the body.
    - Got rid of the little paint splort at the start.
    - Fixed an infinite dot line bug.
    - Increased the line durations for all line sizes.
    - Replaced the default Unity sliders.
    - Fixed the vignette effect remaining again (3rd times the charm!).
  • One Voice v0.94 WebGL

    - Fixed an issue where the Slow Enemy Mode wasn't always engaging.
    - (Hopefully) fixed the vignette effect not being removed.
    - Improved the wording on the button labels for retrying stages.
  • One Voice v0.93

    - Fixed the final stage concluding while void enemies are still active.
    - Fixed the System Notice brush instruction icon being the wrong color.
    - Fixed the glitchy Aria image on the System Notice from being too glitchy.
  • One Voice v0.92

    -Added a WebGL version of the game to play in browser.
    - Fixed an issue where a test pattern was loading instead of the level.
    - Resolution scaling support improved.
    - Fixed some positions on the interface sprite sheet.
    - Fixed enemies not resetting correctly on failstate / reset.
    - Fixed void enemy death animation.
    - Fixed void enemy eye movement.
    - Fixed Brush Size interface not displaying correctly.
    - Fixed Integrity % showing double.
    - Fixed music restarting at incorrect times.
    - Fixed random splats being hidden on the wrong layer.
    - Visit website button correctly links to this page.
    - Added slow enemy mode.
  • One Voice v0.91

    -Fixed an issue where dying to a certain amount of enemies simultaneously would soft lock the game.
  • One Voice v0.90

    -Original Game Jam Submission.


  • One Voice - WebGL 30 MB
    Jun 26, 2023
  • One Voice v1.0 50 MB
    Jun 26, 2023
Download One Voice
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