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Learn You a Game Jam Day 9 devlog

Monster Tactics
A downloadable game for Windows

I already said that day 8 I wouldn't be able to work on it due to being busy so we'll just skip that day entirely.

SO, day 9.

I set my goal for the day and it was:

  • Isometric views for enemies (soldier, wizard, rogue)
  • sprite rendered with 4 directions changing depending on direction the character is facing
  • music implemented
  • being able to attack
  • being able to win or lose the battle

As you can see, I set my goals really small and I've also given up on music making in the essence of saving time. Luckily I have a huge music pack I bought ages ago.

Enemy Sprites

This was, in hindsight, too ambitions. 3 enemy types? I didn't have that time. I also can't draw the attack or walking animations because I am not that good lol so I've decided to just stick with the 4 cardinal directions for now. In the end, however, I just did the warrior/spearman but that's much better than nothing.

Sprite Renderer

So this I had to learn from a couple of other tutorials. Essentially I have an animation controller with 4 animations set up with North, East, South, West and an int called "state". Each time the Unit moves, I update the state and animation based on the direction it's facing. I also have the sprite set up so that it's always facing the camera, so even if we're at an angled view, the sprite will face the camera in full. The issue is that it clips through the tile but that's a problem that I'm willing to ignore.

This took me half the day debugging.

Music Implemented

Hoo boy, I have a newfound dislike for the Package Manager because of trying to import the music from the asset store. It kept hanging our freezing so it was a whole day of waiting around and then trying again later when I needed to work. I didn't get this done that day.

Attack System

Another thing that I had to spend the day debugging and not getting done. But I essentially have the concept. It's similar to tile traversal only you're setting very specific tiles for the attack.

Win or Lose System

Since I couldn't test out the attack system, I couldn't check the victory conditions because I couldn't do any damage.


So what did I get done today? Even with my non ambitious goals?

  • Isometric views for enemies (soldier, wizard, rogue)
  • sprite rendered with 4 directions changing depending on direction the character is facing
  • being able to attack (halfway done)

It's not bad but it does mean I'll need to work on the remaining things on the last day. Wish me luck!

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