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Released Build 6

Eclectic Expansion Enterprise
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello Everyone,


Change of plans from what was planned for this build. The next prestige layer was taking longer than expected, currently at about 10 pages of design, with several different iterations designed, redesigned, and discarded. With that in mind, the next prestige layer will be released bit by bit, as opposed to trying to make the entire thing and once, and taking a month or more.

Didn't want to leave it that long without an update, especially with build 5 leaving the game as more of an active tycoon game, as opposed to an idle game.

And so, I present the idle gameplay overhaul of build 6. Most of the game has been rebalanced to allow for actual idle gameplay, with map sizes on average being 10 times larger before running into the impassable terrain soft lock. The self-replication has been moved up so it's available sooner, and survey hubs now behave more like the landing ship exploration. Most of the tech costs are now more expensive, but with these changes, the game can just be left to it's own devices for a few hours after the initial expedition site setup.

There were also issues of players not being shown where to go, or how to ascent, so a new Getting Started screen has been added to hopefully help with that.

TL;DR: Game is now more idle as opposed to idle/tycoon, orbital layer is being worked on. There is a Large amount of changes in this build, so please post on steam discussions or our discord if you find any bugs, or issues/systems that might've been missed or badly balanced

Now, on to the main show:

New Features

  • Added a Getting Started screen to guide new players through the start of the game
  • Added a Building Management menu, allows for global production and expansion control, and has a new toggle once expansion is researched to set whether expansion is on or off by default on build.
  • Added Tooltips to most buttons and number displays
  • Added a hard reset option to the settings menu


  • Map sizes are now 10 times larger before running into blocker soft lock
  • All building charge timers have been reduced by 50%
  • Matter Extractor: - now produces (M) 0.1, for (E) 0.1 | down from (M) 1 and (E) 1
  • Solar Collector: - now produces (E) 0.1 | down from (E) 1
  • Volatiles Processor: - now produces (V) 0.1, for (M) 0.2 and (E) 0.2 | down from (V) 1, for (M) 1 and (E) 1
  • Survey Hubs: - higher initial build cost - unlimited range - randomly explores tiles - expends (V) 0.4 | down from (V) 1
  • Field Stations: - research tiles more slowly - they consume (MEV) 0.1 more, and produce (D) 0.0001 per cycle, per researched tile on the map
  • Cluster buildings: - give a modifier to their building type, accelerating their self-replication speed - add +0.1 to datalith value on Ascent, for the same building type | down from +1 datalith value
  • Survey Hub Clusters now accelerate all exploration speed.
  • Landing Ship description now refers to the survey drone tech, until that tech is researched
  • Autosave is now done every 30s
  • Mountain blocker: - now starts with a 0.01% chance, but creeps faster - limited at 95% max
  • Canyon blocker: - now starts at 10% chance, but creeps very slowly - limited to 90% max
  • Cost creep is now limited to base cost * 1 million
  • Flavor/lore change, buildings now move out from the landing ship if no fib pods are available for orbital drop.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Field Station not properly updating charge and cooldown limit
  • Fixed progress bar not showing on buildings with a stored charge on load
  • Fixed spelling on adjacency tech
  • A number of small fixes that I forgot to write down to put here X)

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  • Eclectic Expansion Enterprise Build 31 MB
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