is community of indie game creators and players


But WHAT am I working on?

A downloadable game

"just release stanboks its ready bruv"


But not yet. I know you guys want to play now, and honestly I'm thankful for this. Really, it's my first project, and I honestly never would have imagined that it would mesh so well with a lot of people. And while at times I've complained about how enthusiastic some were in letting me know they wanted to play now (really, it wasn't necessary to insult me), I also can't really complain about having people hyped about my game. 

Which is why I want to make an article to give you guys a bit more insight about what's going on on my end, and why is the game still not released.

What is left to do on STANDBOX, that it is not released yet?

  • Bug fixing
  • Tuning
  • New content
  • Finishing the maps
  • Music and audio
  • Optimization
  • Deck testing

Those are the big ones. Let's get into it.

Bug fixing:

This is the obvious one, but as the game gets made, more issues appear. That's just how it goes, the more complex the system, the more issues can arise. Some bugs are fine for a release, but some can be game breaking. Now from your point of view, you might say "oh just release the game I've seen such person play it on YouTube", but those videos, my gameplay videos, and the trailers don't focus on the bugs. They focus on the good aspect of the bug; because the bugs should be fixed by release. But per example, if I were to release the game now, you wouldn't be able to use the grenades properly in half the map. They just wouldn't work at all. Can you imagine how many angry people I would have to deal with? Yeah, that wouldn't work. 


STANDBOX is composed of multiple systems interacting together. The animations, the physics, the simulated organs, the bullets physics, etc... All of those systems have settings that can be altered and tuned. As I modify those systems, they need to be retuned with new settings. Which means that as the game changes and evolves, it needs to be retuned to keep the same "flavor" or to provide a good experience. I don't always retune it as I go, because it wouldn't make a lot of sense to adjust the tuning every single time I make an update: I'm still working on the system, I'll have to retune it again very soon. Which means that as it currently is, STANDBOX isn't "tuned" properly setting wise, and it will still take some time to do this. I'm not doing this until the latest version of the releases (0.8/0.9) because I'm still working on those very systems!

New Content:

I'm not gonna lie, bug fixing is boring, and sometime when I have my fill of polishing the game I like to add new fun things. In its current state, I think there are more small things I can pack into the game that make it a better experience. The latest example being per example the dynamic music system I added to the game that give a lot of flavor to The Pit per example. I have other content I'd like to add in the game, but it's a balancing act for me to figure out which ones I want to add to the game before the release, and which ones will be after the release.

Finishing the maps:

Some of the maps simply aren't done. A lot of STANDBOX was built on placeholders and temporary elements just to "test" and draft things up. Those were never planned to stay. While it might look "good enough" for release, it was never made to remain in the game and some assets still need to be replaced with homemade ones. Some maps have issues (per example up until recently the well in ThePit was not compatible with the lumen system. I had to remake it from scratch so that reflections and lighting works properly with Lumen) and I wouldn't feel right to sell a half-baked map. 

Music and Audio:

A sound atmosphere is an important part of how a game makes you feel. I'm still working on that part. I've now covered ThePit, but StairBox and TheRoom still need their own atmosphere! (And another track is still needed for... uh, secret things)

It is important to me that the audio fits the mood I'm trying to achieve and is also compatible to be heard for long or short sessions, without being "in the way" or too repetitive. Which is why I'm trying to go in the direction of a stealthy soundtrack, that comes and goes dynamically. Sometimes it shows up and says hi, then leaves again for a while. 

Parts of the soundtrack is made by the talented KYRA (who made the amazing OST of the trailer) and part of it are made by me. Which can take some time, as I'm very new to composing and tend to be harsh with my own works.


That is a big one! I did try to make the game optimized from the ground up; I tend to try and think in advance about the cost of each things I add to the game, how and why I add them. But still, at times I end up doing some iterative R&D and test new things, and after a while of testing and testing... It works! I'm happy about it and move on. With the experimental, non-optimized system still somewhere in there. Or sometimes, I just make a dumb mistake; that costs more performances than it could cost.

Those things, I need to find, and correct. Optimizing can take a while: you're not always sure what you're looking for. But it still has to be done to make sure even the weakest computers can enjoy the game. 

Deck Testing:

I'm aiming for a game compatible with the SteamDeck on release. I currently have a group of Steam Deck owners who just started testing on the game. I still need to gather their feedback and to make some changes based on what I've learned!


That's all I have in mind at the time! 

Keep in mind, STANDBOX started as a hobby of mine I would do sometimes in the evening coming back from work. I don't have a company. This is not my day job. I don't have a team with me (just sometimes a few cool friends who lend a hand). I'm just someone who likes video-games and worked on this project because I liked ragdolls. I want it to remain a hobby; and I'm not always inspired, in the mood or in the health to work 10 hours per day on this project.

Understand it may take time, and that releasing a project is not as easy as it may seem from the point of view of a player.

Thank you again for your interest and for reading me!

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