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A Life's Tale
A downloadable game

When I first had the idea for what became A Life's Tale, I was going to develop it on my own and add it to my portfolio. Then someone at The XPlace suggested I do it as a game jam game and form my own team. That was a scary thought for me. I had never formed a team and most of my work had been on my own. I went ahead and posted the game on the jam's page with the placeholder name of A Memorable Journey. It had that name until the eve of the final day.

After I posted the game as looking for team members, folks began joining. I don't recall the order now, but there was a slow trickle of people until we had the team we have now. The idea evolved over time, since we only had a week to do this. The original art style was going to be realistic for the environment and something a little different for the items you can interact with. As you can see, the art style changed. Though this wasn't the vision we originally had, we all agree that it still looks wonderful.

The initial list of items included four more than are currently in the game, but we trimmed the list down to keep the scope achievable in the week we had together. The list feels like achievements in a life, without feeling like huge events are skipped. I won't spoil them here, you should play and find out what those items are. Each item also comes with commentary from the character regarding the associated memory. I think it's safe to say this game was a learning experience for everyone involved in the production of it.

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