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Final Journey update Week #7: New Art and Features!

Final Journey
A downloadable game

Hey guys I'm back with a new post.


I promised I would finish some new features but the only feature I got around finishing was the item description (which wasn't that much of work if I'm being honest) I tried working on the multi attack feature, and I was able to get it to work tho the reason it took longer then it should've was because I forgot two Area2Ds don't affect each other, its only after writing this post I remembered that. Sadly there won't be a showcase on it since I still haven't fully added, hopefully next week!

For other new features I'll work on the double attack and maybe new features buyable attacks and such tho for the latter I still haven't tested how it could work. Not much to add here I'm gonna need to play more RPGs to get more ideas.

  • ART

This week I did so much with art! I have improved a lot in terms of animations and such its still not that great but I think I did a good job. I learned a few technics that helped with my animation work which smear animation never thought it would actually make my animations look good. There is also Mike as the new character tho I really tried to make him look different from Jacob, changing the color of his hair and stuff is easy but I wanted him to have a different bone structure or just a different face in general so that he doesn't look like a swap colored Jacob. Tho thankfully I was able to make him look different, not the best but good enough for me I guess.

I also changed up the UI a bit taking inspiration from other RPGs I also added transition animations, you can see them in the video above. I think it helped the game feel more complete.

For the most part I'm gonna try to also finish a lot more art it kinda gives some kind of moral, it feels like the game is actually becoming a real game you see online, idk if thats just me, but even then I'm having fun with it.


I've released a new video showcasing all the new stuff added, not much changes to the production of the videos tho I really want to make the video look better and maybe add a bit more editing to it, hopefully in next week's video!

There is also something I might do which is .5 week posts, these are posts that come out at random times of the week, these will be very small posts with just me talking about the new stuff I'm working on and the challenges I'm having with all aspects of the game.

I don't want to make any promises but I'll see if I can make one this week.


This week was a good week I'd say a lot of stuff was added and completed but I guess it wasn't a great week since some the stuff I said I would finish were delayed for next week. Well I guess I hope next week will be far better.

Again see you guys next time.

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