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managers, props, and hazards

A downloadable game

Author: Christian Knight


props and hazards didn't have 3d sound. In game text was hard to read. Win menu needed an update and stats that where added to it needed to be saved between levels. muzzle flash didn't work.


I added 3d sound to hazards and props. I updated the propane hazard to have a smaller hit range. I updated the win screen to display player stats and have the stats save between levels to have an accurate read. I updated world and journal text to be white and left key words/ input keys as red. Fixed muzzle flash so it now only shows for a few seconds when firing and rotates. added sound to main menu buttons. 

Added/Updated items below- 

  • Text
    • journal/ prompt
      • white words
      • red key words
    • journal only
      • notes in proper order for found location
  • win screen
    • time took to beat game
    • enemies killed
    • notes collected
    • bullets fired
  • save system
    • stats for win screen
    • journal pages
  • HUD
    • reticle now red when over explosive
    • muzzle flash rotates and blinks
    • HUD fades in after objective fades out on level one
  • main menu 
    • plays gunshot sound when button is pressed
  • props and hazards
    • added 3d sound
    • decreased hit range with propane

Posted on 06/22/2023

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