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New Cover and Other Updates

A downloadable game

For those who are following the project, thank you! It's been an interesting journey. I find myself stuck in Denver airport, watching flashes of lighting through the windows, and I can't think of a better time to work on Nightfolk.

Currently I'm working on the rather nasty parts of typesetting; the fiddly form filling things. I had no idea everything was so intricate. But it's there, a fillable PDF. It even calculates STR from Strength, if you so desire, though I've found it only mostly works with Adobe, and does no calculations with Mac Preview. For those who are interested, I can post some of the LaTeX but I fear this is already too down in the details.

Anyway, on the front of the artwork: I added Gustave Doré illustrations for the cover. I've always been a fan of his art so it was a natural fit. And an update, the artist I'm commissioning to do some character designs, David G. Holderman, has finished his first character! I will wait until a few more come along to post them here, but you can check out his tiktok at @david_holderman.

As for gameplay, my most recent change is to add a "signature maneuver." I like the idea of pocket sand and other mishievous things, but they are currently somewhat limited. I'm planning to add a few more. From a gameplay perspective, I also think they should not be learned at first level. Because a level-one character is pretty plain. I think that a signature maneuver is a level 2 or 3 advancement, though I haven't decided how that will work.

Another next step is to develop a little further the "World" chapter. I don't want to have it be too developed, but rather one that can be plugged in to. At the same time, if it's too generic, then there's not much to really base your game off. I'm aiming for 2--3 pages of descriptions. Anyway, this is already getting self-indulgently long and approaching more text than I actually added to this version, so I'll end here. Stay tuned for more updates!

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