LinkitoA downloadable game for Windows and Linux
- added block : intermediateGoal
- change channel to int for Emitter/Receiver goal
- replace all tutos levels by only one
- switching connection type now works during drawing
- add help panel with shortcuts in editor
- add copy/paste of multiple blocks
- fix block memory
- fix screen that add zero to number message
- fix undo with inventory
- fix black screen if cancel auto download level
- fix missing fx when deleting connection
- fix loading of connection if block not exist
- fix zoom that sometimes lock in editor
- fix electronic cache
- added block : instantLoose
- change battery behaviour. No discharge if input ON
- can now specify if battery start full or empty
- fix a problem with infinite connections inventory
- fix selection rectangle in some case
- added block : screen & small screen
- adding undo/redo mechanism
- adding multiple selection
- adding gizmo to resize block with mouse
- fix inversion of selector input (only graphics)
- a lot of minor bugfixes