Posted June 21, 2023 by The Grumpy GameDev
After I establish the statistics, like in the last post, the next bit is to make the game into a walking/starvation simulator.
One of the main tensions of a game is a ticking clock that you have to do something about.
A super easy ticking clock is a hunger meter that will eventually starve you to death.
So, after 200 moves, Yer will starve to death.
At this point, there is nothing for Yer to do but walk around and starve to death.
But it does provide the first end-game state, and that is significant.
Along with this update, I added messages to be shown after Yer performs an action (like moving) to give the player feedback about what they are doing. At this point, it just tells you which way you moved, which you would already know, because you made the move after all.
The game is heading for encounters with other monsters and fights, so the messaging will become more important quickly.