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#5 - Important Updates on Development Logs and Release Date Announcement

Kingdom Simulator
A downloadable KS

Hello everyone,

I hope this log finds you well. Today, I have some important updates to share regarding the way I handle development logs and the upcoming announcement of our release date.

Development Logs Update

In the past, I used to share logs containing every small update or single feature addition. However, I've decided to revise this approach. From now on, the development logs that I share publicly will showcase only a selection of the features. These are features that my Patreon supporters have already been informed about.

This change is driven by my desire to give my Patreon supporters something exclusive - a peek into the development process that others don't get. I value their support immensely, and this is one of the ways I want to express my gratitude.

Release Date Announcement

As for the release date, I'm thrilled to say that the announcement is just around the corner. In line with my new approach, my patrons on Patreon will be the first to hear this exciting news. I believe they deserve to be the first to know, and I can't wait to share it with them.

That's all for this log. Stay tuned for more updates and, as always, thank you for your continued support and interest in our journey.

Short Summary: 
I'm changing the format of my development logs - Patreon supporters will now receive exclusive early updates. The game's release date will be announced soon, with the news being shared first with Patreon supporters.